Wednesday, February 29, 2012

ur Miley Cyrus

Bienvenue tous les smilers, votre meilleure source reconnue sur la talentueuseMiley Cyrus. Propulse au rang de star mondiale ds son plus jeune age, lex-Hannah Montana a bien volu depuis. Ambitieuse et persvrante sont ses principales qualits puisquelle travaille dur et vient dachever une nime tourne triomphale, le Gypsy Heart Tour. Elle prpare actuellement un nouvel album, tout en continuant le cinma avec les films attendusLOL: Made in USAetSo Undercoverqui sortiront la fin de lanne. Nous sommes comme toujours dtermins vous dnicher les dernires informations, photos, vidos & autres sur cette petite perle dHollywood qui continue son incroyable destin...


Gagne des cadeaux et ta publicit pour un mois entier affiche sur le site en devenant 1er du classement avant le 31 Ao?t 2011, minuit. 2 packs sont en jeu : le 1er pack est Album Cant Be Tamed + DVD The Last Song pour 20,000 points / le 2eme pack est la saison 4 de Hannah Montana pour 20,000 points galement.

Votez & boostez pour gagner !

Webmasters :Shana & Mehidi



Ouverture:16 Avril 2008

Version:12 par Shana


Nous navons aucun contact personnel avec Miley Cyrus ou avec un membre de sa mille. Nous tenons ment ce nsite dans le but de runir tous les ns fran?ais et trangers de la jeune star. Ce site nest en aucun cas un site officiel, de mme quil nest pas but lucratif. Le plagiat, total ou intgral, est totalement interdit car tout ce qui se trouve sur ce site & sur ces parties font partie de notre travail, de nos recherches, et donc, nous appartiennent. Si vous avez une question ou une rction ire, cest avec plaisir que nous lattendons parmail.


Hier, notre couple vori Miley/Liam s&8217;est rendu dans un salon de tatouages dansStudio City. Miley a en it rendu visite un dermatologue pour se ireenlever un tatouage. Lequel d&8217;aprs-vous ? C?t tenue, c&8217;est un top avec son haut rock et son petit short, mais je n&8217;accroche pas du tout ses chaussures&8230;

Rcemment, Liam a t interview par le magazineCosmopolitanqui se demande comment le bel acteur it pour entretenir une liaison avec Miley depuis maintenant 2 ans et demi, alors que la jeune starlette doit tretrsoccupe&8230;

Cosmo:Ta petite-amie, Miley Cyrus, travaille beaucoup. Des conseils pour entretenir une relation distance?

Liam:Skype! Un petit peu chaque jour. Pendant ces longues priodes o l&8217;on est spar, rien que voir son visage rend les choses plus ciles.

Bonsoir ! Je vous prsente les premiers candids de cette anne ! Miley tait de sortie hier avec son ami Cheyne Thomas dansStudio City. Apparemment, ils seraient alls dans un magasin de tlphonie«T-Mobile. Toujours aussi rock la miss!

Demi Lovato a t interview par le magazineSeventeen, et dans ses propos, elle mentionne ses amies de toujours, Miley Cyus et Selena Gomez. L&8217;occasion pour nous d&8217;en apprendre un peu plus sur la relation qu&8217;entretiennent les starlettes de Disney. Merci decrditer le sitepour la traduction.

«Peu importe combien nous nous disputons, nous serons toujours prsentes dans la vie de l&8217;autre. Miley et moi avons un fort temprament donc quand nous nous disputons, c&8217;est brutal et nous disons que notre amiti est termine. Mais deux jours plus tard, nous nous disons «je t&8217;aime et tu me manques !

Contrairement sa relation avec Miley, celle qu&8217;elle entretient avec Selena Gomez n&8217;y ressemble en rien. Elle dclare ne «jamais se disputer avec cette dernire.

«Ce n&8217;est pas quelqu&8217;un qui cherche les confrontations. Les deux ne quitteront jamais ma vie, peu importe ce qui se passe parce qu&8217;on a vcut tellement de choses ensemble.

Depuis quelques jours une rumeur circulant sur le net sous-entendrait queShakira et Miley Cyrusauraient enregistr un duo. Le titre aurait pour nom?Love &038; Rock?et serait prsent le 14 fvrier loccasion dun gala de charit. Linfo bien quassez insolite, a t relaye par plusieurs sites web dont Bref, dans lattente dune relle confirmation officielle, de votre c?t quen pensez-vous ? Merci Thomascette information.

EDIT:La nouvelle a t confirme par MTV ! Le duo sera bien pour une oeuvre de charit mais n&8217;a pas pour but d&8217;tre commercialis. Pourtant, certaines sources parlent d&8217;un clip tourner entre les deux jeunes femmes&8230;

Bonjour ! Dcouvrez deux nouvelles photos pourla campagne NOH8dont l&8217;une avec Denika et Jen Talarico. Enfin, j&8217;ai longuement hsit en parler mais je pense que rtablir la vrit est primordial: vous pourrez certainement tomber surune photo assez choquante de «Miley, topless, en train de remonter sa robe alors qu&8217;elle tait en bo?te. Cette sulfureuse photo circule depuis hier sur la toile et inutile de dire que les sites people se sont prcipit dessus pour descendre encore plus Miley. Et bien, sachez que cette photo est entirement truque:CE N&8217;EST PAS MILEY! Pour preuve, comparez avec les dernires photos de Miley la plage d&8217;Hawa?, vous constaterez que la morphologie n&8217;est pas tout it la mme et surtout que cette photo-ke n&8217;a pas lestatouagesde Miley !

Bonjour ! On commence la journe avec de nouvellesphotos persosde Miley. Certaines sont avec des ns, d&8217;autres sont ment avec ses amis. L&8217;une d&8217;entre elles a t prise par AJ Michalka qui a ft le rveillon avec Miley, Brenda Song et Brandi en nous informant qu&8217;elles ont pass une super soire !

L&8217;missionPunk&8217;Da mis en scne une vido assez marrante avec Mimiley cyrusley Cyrus, Kelly Osbourne &038; Khlo Kardashian. Miley &038; Kelly d?nent tranquillement avec Khlo, quand le serveur qui demande aller dans la salle de bains de Miley, se coince ses«boulesavec sa fermeture clair. Evidemment, il s&8217;agit d&8217;une rce, seule Khlo n&8217;est pas au courant ! Elle appelle donc les services d&8217;urgence tandis que les autres jouent la comdie merveille. Cet pisode sera diffus surMTVle 13 Mars prochain.

Bonjour ! Pour bien commencer l&8217;anne, dcouvrez de nouvelles photos de Miley qui est rentre deHawa?avec Liam. Ils ont t aper?u sparment, cause des paparazzis, l&8217;aroport LAX. Plus tard dans la journe, Miley a djeun avec sa mille Studio City.

Loin de L.A.,Miley &038; Liamprofitent toujours de pouvoir passer des moments privilgis tous les deux

Ils ont t aper?us en train de se caliner, de prendre des photos&8230; bref, de roucouler tranquillement. Sans parler desa cigarette dans la boucheet de son briquet dans la main, que pensez-vous de la tenue assez«rockde Miley ? J&8217;ai personnellement l&8217;impression qu&8217;elle change de style depuis dj quelques mois en essayant des&8217;affirmerd&8217;une manire ou d&8217;une autre (et s?rement influence de par sa mille assez «rock: Trace et Brandi pour ne mentionner qu&8217;eux). Reste savoir si c&8217;est la bonne&8230;

Miley a seulement pass quelques jours Los Angelesauprs des siens puisqu&8217;elle s&8217;est dj envole pour&8230;Hawa?! Elle y est partie rejoindre son boyfriend Liam, qui est en tournage l-bas. Pour patienter, la belle s&8217;est dtendue la plage et a exhibson corps paitdans son bikini rouge ! Peu aprs, Liam lui a it la surprise de la rejoindre et le couple s&8217;est chang un tendrebaiser

Le siteHollywoodLifecherche savoir quelle clbrit a t le meilleur boyfriend de l&8217;anne. En comptition, figurent Robert Pattinson, Justin Bieber, Ryan Reynolds ou Nick Jonas entre autres. Evidemment, on y retrouve galement Liam Hemsworth ! Pour le moment, la palme revient Robert &038; Justin B. Votez donc pour Liam si vous pensez qu&8217;il a bien combl sa belle cette anne !

Liam Hemsworth adore passer du temps avec les gens qui comptent pour Miley Cyrus &8211; sa mille! Les photos du couple passant du temps ensemble Thanksgiving sont trop mignonnes.

Miley est rentre duCosta Ricaet a rejoint sa bande de copines (Brandi Cyrus et Denika entre autres&8230;). Elle a d&8217;ailleurs pos pour un photoshoot improvis avec ces deux dernires dans une laverie. Je trouve les filles compltementstyles! Et vous ? Dcouvrez aussi de nouvelles photos personnelles.

Aprs des mois d&8217;attente, le film«LOL:Made in USAque Miley a tourn en 2008 va enfin sortir ! Sortez le champagne ! Pour rappel, ce film est une nouvelle version de«LOL, ralis par Lisa Azuelos, qui avait cartonn en France. Une date a t annonce pour fixer la sortie mondiale du film le 09 Fvrier 2012 mais selon certaines sources plus fiables, il pourrait sortirfin Mars-dbut Avril. En attendant, la sortie fran?aise a t confirme, de mme que celle de nombreux pays. Sans surprise, nous figurons parmi les derniers apprcier le film dans nos salles&8230;

USA 2012

Indie 10 Fvrier 2012

Rpublique Tchque 9 Mars 2012

Lituanie 16 Mars 2012 (New date)

Danemark 29 Mars 2012

Hongarie 29 Mars 2012

Sude 30 Mars 2012

Belgique 25 Avril 2012

Pays-Bas 26 Avrl 2012

Allemagne 3 Mai 2012

UK 1 Juin 2012

France 20 Juin 2012

Brsil 10 Aout 2012

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Demi Lovato Reveals Contentious Relationship With Miley Cyrus Our Fights Are

Skip to main content: Latino/SBC/Fox Business (Home/Slideshow/Interactive: Fox News/SBC/Latino/Fox Business)

Former Disney tween starDemi Lovatoconfessed that she has a love/hate relationship with fellow former mouserMiley Cyrus.

(Miley) and I are strong headed. When we fight its brutal and were like, Were never going to be friends again! Then two days later, were like, I love you and I miss you!

Lovato has been involved in several well-publicized spats with Cyrus, including an inmous video the Party in the U.S.A. singer posted to YouTube where she and a friend viciously mocked Lovato and fellow Disney starSelena Gomez.

Click here for more Demi Lovato photos from X17 Online.

Eventually, Cyrus apologizedsort ond removed the video. I mean if we offended (Gomez and Lovato), were super sorry, but we were, like, just having fun, Cyrus said at the time. Elvis says imitation is the greatest form of flattery, so we were imitating them being funny.&160;

Now, all is forgiven.&160;

Both (Miley and Selena) will never leave my life no matter what happens, because weve been through so much together, Lovato told Seventeen.

Lovato, who entered rehamiley cyrusb in November 2010, also revealed to Seventeen how she dealt with her adolescent angst.&160;

Im not gonna lie. I was self-medicating, she said. I was doing things like drinking and using [drugs], like a lot of teens do to numb their pain. (But now) I dont drink, I dont do drugs, I dont throw up after my meals, I dont starve myself. Theres nothing that I do that I feel ashamed of.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Fashion New Miley Cyrus is sweet and seductive at CNN awards [Updated

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Miley Cyrus looked simultaneously sweet and seductive Sunday night in this yellow gown from Roberto Cavalli. The low-cut bodice adds the spice while the dress&39; other details are all sweetness.

She was attending the Fifth Annual CNN Heroes: All Star Tribute at L.A.&39;s Shrine Auditorium, where Robin Lim was named Hero of the Year for her work helping poor Indonesian women through pregnancy and childbirth.[CNN]

Sean Penn, Jayma Mays, Brooklyn Decker, Nicole Richie, Diane Kruger, Kristen Bell and Dennis Quaid were among the star-studded crowd at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel for last week&39;s Unicef Ball honoring Queen Noor of Jordan as the year&39;s Woman of Compassion and Irena and Mike Medavoy and their son Nick with the Danny Kaye Humanitarian Award. Long formal gowns ruled for the women and among the most notable were Kruger&39;s backless black dress by Emilio Pucci; Bell&39;s white Christian Dior, Decker&39;s aqua Tory Burch and Nicole Richie&39;s interesting black Osman, with it&39;s high neckline and cutouts at the waist.[Society News LA]&0160; [This item has been updated to correct the spellings of Mays and Irena.]

Vogue Editor Anna Wintour said she follows her instincts, not market research, in an interview on&0160; CBS&39; "Sunday Morning." That&39;s how she came up with, for instance, the magazine&39;s 1989 cover of Madonna in jeans and a jeweled Lacroix jacket. Her peers derided it but it became among the most notable in Vogue history.[The Cut]

Meryl Streep, who played a not-so-thinly-disguised version of Wintour in "The Devil Wears Prada," is on Vogue&39;s January cover, showing that Wintour has a sense of humor -- or at least an instinct that Streep will sell magazines.[Fashionista]

Bernard Arnault, France&39;s richest man and the chairman of LVMH Mo?t Hennessy Louis Vuitton, is Women&39;s Wear Daily&39;s newsmaker of the year. He acquired Bulgari, met with President Obama, searched for a replacement for John Galliano as Dior creative director, increased LVMH stakes in Hermes and Carrefour -- and a whole bunch of other stuff in 2011.[WWD]

Banana Republic opened a flagship last week on Paris&39; med Avenue des Champs-Elyses.[WWD](Subscription required.)

Kelly Folan is the new editor of Racked National.[Racked]


Pantone says &39;Tangering Tango&39; to be tops for 2012

A Mulberry menageriemiley cyrus makes merry at the Marmont

Kristen Bell, Rashida Jones among stars at Rebecca Taylor boutique

-- Susan Denley

Top photo: Miley Cyrus with Liam Hemsworth wears Roberto Cavalli at CNN Heroes: All Star Tribute. Credit: Frederick M. Brown / Getty Images

Bottom photo: Nicole Richie in a black Osman gown with cutouts at the waist at the Unicef Ball. Credit: John Scully / Wire Image




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Thursday, February 16, 2012


Unless you live under a rock, you most probably know whois. Miley Cyrus is a19 years oldsinger & actress. She has five siblings and is the daughter ofBilly Ray CyrusandTish Cyrus. You may know her from the hit Disney TV series,Hannah Montana. She released3 albumsand1 EPto date and appeared in7 movies. Make sure you visitfor your daily dose of Miley news!

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Opened: 31 March, 2010


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Since March 2010,MileyCyrus.bzhas been providing you all the latest news, photos and media on Miley Cyrus. In order to do this, we spend money fromour own pocket. We dont expect anything back, but all donations are appreciated and used to improve the site. Thank you.

Yesterday (5th January), Miley and Liam were pictured leaving aLaser Tattoo removal dermatologistin Studio City. I love her outfit and her top is cute! I&8217;ve uploaded23high qualityphotos to the gallery, be sure to check them out.


Candids > 2012 > January >Leaving a Laser Tattoo removal dermatologist with Liam in Studio City [5th January]

Miley Cyrus&8217;Hannah Montanais one of the easier Disney shows for adults to sit through. Her voice and wide eyes aren&8217;t totally unlike a young Lucille Ball. Still, that might not be enough to make an adult investigate her music. But her surprisingly not-overplayed catalogue contains some of the best and most surprising pop of the last decade. It&8217;s unpretentious, well-sung and startlingly tasteful. She&8217;s not self-righteous, and she&8217;s usually not trying to seduce the listener like so many other nymphets. Oh, and her political views are startlingly cogent; she hated Rick Santorum before he almost won Iowa (see below). We love thee, Miley Cyrus; let us count the ways.

She smokes weed and supports Occupy Wall Street.

At only 16, this walking franchise recorded &8220;Wake Up America,&8221; a freaking global warming song: &8220;I know that you don&8217;t want to hear it/ Especially coming from someone so young.&8221; Needless to say, it&8217;s a lot smarter than the gum-snapping Britney Spears who supported George W. Bush inFahrenheit 9/11.

Cyrus&8217; biggest public snafus are for smoking a ton of weed (for her 19th birthday, she got a Bob Marley cake) and supporting OWS. Please let me know when these become actual bad things.

She loves Radiohead.

Radiohead turned down her request to meet them backstage at the 2009 Grammys. They were her vorite band! Hipsters roared with laughter, but what it came down to, when you really think about it, was five total dickbags who refused to shake the hand of a young n. The grownmiley cyrus men later dissed her as &8220;entitled.&8221; They should have been honored, considering she&8217;s probably the first teenage girl to ever want to meet them.

Read more&8230;

Miley&8217;s boyfriendLiam Hemsworthrecently toldCosmopolitanmagazine how he stays connected with Miley when they&8217;re apart.

Cosmo: Your girlfriend, Miley Cyrus, works a lot too. Any tips for a long-distance romance work?

Liam: Skype! A little bit every day. For those long stretches apart, just to see her ce makes it so much easier.

Khloe Kardashian has said that she wasn&8217;t expecting to be featured on the new series of Punk&8217;d.

The Keeping Up With The Kardashians star was targeted by friends Miley Cyrus and Kelly Osbourne for an episode of the newly-revived prank show, which premieres Monday, March 19 on MTV.

A teaser trailer for Kardashian&8217;s episode reveals that she had been enjoying a quiet night with Cyrus and Osbourne when a pizza delivery man has an unfortunate accident.

In a post to her official blog, the reality star said: &8220;As I&8217;m sure you all know by now, I got Punk&8217;d! I was so excited for my girls&8217; night with Miley and Kelly, and let me just say, they got me really good.

&8220;I thought the show was cancelled and I had no idea they were bringing it back so I was NOT expecting to be Punk&8217;d. (sic)&8221;

Kardashian&8217;s sister Kim Kardashian had earlier told Twitter followers that the star had kept her appearance on the show a secret, writing: &8220;I can&8217;t believe @KhloeKardashian never told anyone in the m she got Punk&8217;d!!!! I can&8217;t wait to see this episode! (sic)&8221;

Read more&8230;

Miley Cyrus has a pretty sweet ride, but according to one of her friends, it&8217;s more like a &8220;clown car&8221; than a luxury vehicle! The teen queen joked around with one of her friends on Twitter about how he totally made fun of her car!

&8220;&8216;We&8217;re in a clown car.&8217; &8211; @CheyneThomas referring to my Mercedes SL (sic),&8221; Cyrus tweeted. If you&8217;ve ever seen the car that they are referring to, you&8217;d probably agree that it&8217;s r from a clown car, but obviously that&8217;s why the singer tweeted itit was very funny!

I uploaded1medium qualityphoto to the gallery. Be sure to check it out.

I was so excited to be a part of Sharing the Spirit Holiday Party with Get Ur Good On, Festival of Children Foundation, Happiness Project and the Los Angeles Mission and want to thank Verizon Wireless and Jakks Pacific for all their support. Getting to meet Hello Kitty and seeing those kids smile made my night!

Do you want to help donateto Miley&8217;s charity? That&8217;s right &8211; if we get enough members, we can win$6000&8211; all of which will be donated toone of Miley&8217;s charities. So what are you waiting for? All you need to do is join our bubble and spread the word. The more members we get, the better chance of the donation for Miley!

To join our bubble, you simply need to register an account or connect with Facebook. To become a member of our bubble, clickhere!

Yesterday (4th January), Miley was? pictured running erands in Studio City with friendCheyne Thomas. She looks beautiful! I love her outfit. I&8217;ve uploaded10high qualityphotos to the gallery so check them out!

Today theShorty Awardsnominationsopened andMiley CyrusandMileyCyrus.bzare nominated! Miley is nominated formusic,charity,celebrity,movies,singer,hero,comedian,actress&shionandMileyCyrus.bzis nominated forBest Fansite!

To vote, send a tweet like this: I nominate @TwitterUser for a Shorty Award in category because [add reason here].

You can also send shorter votes like this: shortyawards @username category [add reason here]. This short format is helpful when you want to vote from your phone.

For example, if you would like to vote for Miley for Best Singer, you simply tweet:

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Miley Cyrus, Sandra Bullock and Emma Watson are just a few of the A-list stars who were once bullied. But, look at them now! They are a testament to what can be done if you just believe in yourself and keep going!

If you thought celebrities were immune to bullying, just take a look at these stars. Miley Cyrus was bullied in school by teens who &8220;were big, tough girls known as the Anti-Miley Club. They were fully capable of doing me bodily harm.&8221; But, now she is an A-list superstar and those same girls probably wish they were a little nicer to her in school!

Sandra Bullock was bullied because she wasn&8217;t as cool as the other kids and didn&8217;t keep up with trends, due to traveling a lot.

&8220;I&8217;d come back to school from Europe and I looked like a clown compared to the cool way the other students looked and dressed,&8221; Sandra said. &8220;So I got my a whooped a little bit.&8221;

These are just a few stories of celebrities who were bullied. If you or someone you know is being bullied, just know that there are brighter times ahead. Don&8217;t give up!

Cant Be Tamed

Release:June 18, 2010

Label:Hollywood Records

Single(s):Cant Be Tamed, Who Owns My Heart

Order at

Order at (Deluxe Edition)

Hannah Montana Forever

Role:Miley Stewart/ Hannah Montana

Status:Season 4 Airing

Network:Disney Channel


Official Website

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Official Youtube is in no way associated withMiley Cyrus,Hollywood Records,Fascination Records,The Walt Disney Company, or any other company related to her. The purpose of this website is to provide the ns, with the latest info, pictures and about Miley Cyrus. We are not responsible for any lse information. All pictures, audio and videos are copyright to their respective owners. No copyright infringement will ever be intended. If youd like to have any copyrighted material removed, pleasee-mailus before taking any legal action.

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&169; 2010 - 2012

Monday, February 13, 2012

Miley Cyrus -- Calls Herself a 'Stoner' and a 'Pothead'

Miley Cyrustalked her way out of the bong scandal by saying she smoked salvia -- but at her birthday party last week, she seemingly admitted to a room full of people ... shes a major pothead.

In a video obtained byThe Daily, Miley gets on the mic and addresses the crowd at her party at Beachers Madhouse at the Roosevelt Hotel in Los Angeles. Once the cake has been brought out, Miley says, You know you&8217;re a stoner when friends make you a Bob Marley cake. You know you smoke way too much fin&8217; weed.

Her good pal Kelly Osbourne, standing right next to her, even made reference to the salvia incident, saying, I thought salvia was your problem.

It was just before her birthday last year when Miley was videotaped smoking out of a bong. She claimed it was salvia and not marijuana.

Kelly Osbournehas taken to herTwitterpage to defend Miley, saying in part, u guys if @MileyCyrus&160;is not recording/filming/touring she is works everyday how could she possible do all that if she was a stoner!think.

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Miley, even Lindsay Lohan isnt that stupid. Its OK to smoke but you shouldnt talk about it at your 18th birthday party when you are mous and have three million Twitter followers. Thats a great example your setting for all the teenage girls that are your ns. I hope that Lindsay Lohan hosts Saturday Night Live and makes fun of you in a skit....


LADIES AND GENTLEMAN, we have a Lohan in the ! Its gonna be SEXY when she decides to be a lesbian.


And?! Really, who gives a damn. Shes a young adult, she can make decisions for her own. Weed isnt the worst thing in the world to be on. Get of her d.


Does miley know that girls like her die all the time. Jokes are made, graves are dug, what is so funny?


How sweet. She is so proud of herself for being a stoner. So Miley besides being a stoner what else are you proud of???


Would have been funnier if they brought out a Rick James cake and she said e is a helluva drug.


there is nothing wrong with pot...

atleast she isnt walking around stealing jewelery, running over baby in a stroller,prostituting herself...someone else comes to mind on those things LIELO

Angelina Jolie Look-alike Takes Web By Storm -- See The Resemblance!

Some people claim to look like mous celebrities.Lina Sanz can definitely make that claim. The…


Epitome Of A Bad Mother: Triflin Norwegian Broad Drowned Her 1-Year-Old In A Bucket While Her Boyfriend Watched On Skype

MTO WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Guess Which NFL Superstar&039;s BABYS MAMA Just Got ARRESTED . . . For PROSTITUTION!!! (He Wasn&039;t Paying SUPPORT . . . She Had To Feed The Kids)

Friday, February 10, 2012

Update Rep Defends Miley Cyrus’ ‘Stoner’ Comments As ‘Sarcastic’

XOXO: Young Hollywood

Miranda Cosgrove says she doesn&8217;t usually get nervous about performing, but that changed when first lady Michelle Obama taped an appearance on the show.

Access Recipe Book

Miss any of the tasty recipes from Access or Access Hollywood Live? Not to worry &8212; we&8217;ve got you covered!

Urban Access

Melanie Amaro reveals the one present she&8217;s planning to buy herself with her &8220;X Factor&8221; winnings.

&8216;The Hunger Games&8217; Headquarters

It&8217;s here &8212; check out the new trailer for the film!

Hollywood Moms & Dads

Keri Russell and her husband welcome therimiley cyrus second child &8212; a little girl &8212; into the world.

Gay & Lesbian Hollywood

&8220;American Idol&8221; runner-up Adam Lambert and boyfriend Sauli Koskinen were both arrested in Helsinki, Finland, on Thursday.

Monday, February 6, 2012

X Factor Castoff Rachel Crow Reportedly Landing A New Disney,Miley Cyrus Type Show

X Factor castoff Rachel Crow reportedly landing a new Disney,Miley Cyrus type show. According toHollywood Lifeand their sources, Disney is,amiley cyruspparently,quite happy that Rachel Crow got ousted from X Factor,so they could sink their claws into her,first. Their source claims that Rachel and Disney are already in talks about what would be the best way to market her,and that &8220;Disney wants to develop a show about Rachel. it will be kind of like the Miley Cyrus show.&8221;

The source went on to reveal that Disney has big plans for Rachel,even bigger thanX Factorcould&8217;ve given her, had she won the show. Finally,the source said, &8220;Rachel is beyond talented! She has the potential to be the next Miley, Selena Gomez or even Michael Jackson.

She is an old soul and so incredibly talented!&8221; Wow! Well, congrats to her,I guess. Follow us on Facebook byClicking Here.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Miley Cyrus’ Beach Vacation Video From E! News

If you&8217;ve ever wanted to know whatMiley Cyrusdoes on her vacations, E! News has you covered. They recently release a short video that features clips of the teen superstar and her actor boyfriend Liam Hemsworth on their recent Hawaiian getaway.

It&8217;s great to know that Miley and Liam had a nice vacation on the beach but I also think it&8217;s kind of sad that they can&8217;t escape the paparazzi, even on their days off. I understand that&8miley cyrus217;s the price to pay when you&8217;re a popular movie star/singer, but I still think it&8217;s really an invasion of their privacy. I know I really wouldn&8217;t be too keen on strange people following my every move and documenting it with a camera and I doubt thatMileyis crazy about that either. But she is a cool girl and she handles the spotlight well. Perhaps she&8217;s used to living in the eyes of the media because her ther has been mous for all of her life.

So, what do you think of the video clip? Are you happy to see your vorite star chilling out in the sun? Let us know what you think of Miley&8217;s vacation video!

Anna Peel is a professional freelance writer who lives in Savannah, Georgia. Much of her work can be found on various websites including CheapToday and Wasabi Media Group. She also writes for her own shopping blog Shop In Chic.

January 5, 2012 at 11:51 pmSuper Happy I am to see that Miley Cyrus is enjoying a very special Hawalli Vacation I love her a lot!

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